Sms Marketing Benefits

With text message being the prefered method of contact by many and the following statistics, it is easy to see why bulk messaging is a key marketing component of businesses of all sizes. Mass messaging is delivered immediately; directly to those who want to hear from you. This creates a more personal connection vs other types of contact.

SMS Marketing Statistics & Facts

98% of texts are Opened

90% of texts are opened within 3 minutes

The average person checks their phone 150 times a day

10x the response rates of print coupons

70% of US consumers say they’d like to receive offers via sms

90% of customers who are part of a sms loyalty program felt it was valuable.

Text Marketing

Mobile marketing is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to market any business or service. With great response rates and a positive response from customers it is easy to see why so many businesses are choosing group messaging to reach their clientele. We’ve made it easy to try your first text message marketing campaign with no risk; get 100 messages & your own custom keyword for free! With no contracts or commitments it has never been easier to try mass messaging. With 6 years in the industry we have the knowledge to help you reach your sms marketing goals.

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